Making sure you are in a position to enjoy life in retirement, as well as to be comfortable, safe and secure in the later period of life, takes a lot of financial planning. This planning occurs in four phases, and it’s important you have experts you can trust to guide you through this period. The phases are:
This is where you build up your retirement assets to support your after-work years.
You start to plan for more specific goals that cater for your particular retirement needs based on your progress to date.
After you retire, you enjoy the fruits of your labour, focusing on some travel, family, health and managing your financial resources.
As the years pass by you may consider scaling down or look to residential care to help with daily chores. Estate planning becomes a bigger priority to you.
To find out more about how we can help you in retirement click here to contact us
It’s never too early to plan for your retirement
While the thought of ceasing full time employment might seem an eternity away, making the most of your investment dollars while you are working will help ensure your future lifestyle is the one you have always looked forward to.
Investing in superannuation is an investment for your retirement future that enables you to enjoy the retirement lifestyle you desire and have earned. This is the time to plan your approach to ensuring your super will last a lifetime.
The laws around superannuation can be complex but there are opportunities to take advantage of Government initiatives and your personal circumstances if you receive the appropriate advice.
We can put in place an approach to meet your needs and maximise your wealth in retirement.
Remember – it is important to regularly review progress towards your target.
Waiting to start your retirement savings can cost you in the long term. If you are over age 30 we strongly suggest that you get advice on planning for the retirement lifestyle you always wanted.
Near retirement
As retirement approaches, it is important to get a clear picture of your financial position. Here we do a complete review of your retirement savings progress and re-visit your needs and goals to give you a better indication of the possible income during your retirement years. We also discuss various retirement product features to give you the best combination for you.
The possibility of government assistance can make a difference to your overall income in retirement – we take this into consideration in our projections.
To find out more about how we can help you prepare for your retirement click here to contact us.
In Retirement
Make the most of your new found freedom
There’s one thing everyone who retires has in common – the need for money to live on. Whether you’ve built up savings in superannuation, property, an investment portfolio, cash in the bank or a business you’re selling, at some stage you need to convert those savings into income.
We sit down with you and tailor an approach that suits your individual needs and goals. We take into account your plans for the future – both short and long term – and also any unexpected costs that might pop up. That way you can rest assured that your financial plan can keep up with your new found freedom!
Later on
As you get older you start to think of winding down. You might scale down your home or choose to move to residential care. We can discuss the implications in lifestyle and the costs involved. We can advise on a range of approaches here.
In some cases we refer you to other specialist advisers as this area can be complicated with a range of fees and charges involved. Some of these charges are negotiable.
Everyone wants to pass on their estate to those they choose and in the way they choose. Here we discuss different approaches with you in simple terms you can understand. To implement your wishes we suggest legal advice from a practitioner skilled in this area.
A correctly structured will and enduring power of attorney is very important here.
To find out more about how we can help you make the most of your retirement click here to contact us.